Our Online Elite Coaching is for those looking for more tailored service to maximise their results. The coaching is base on our 4 key pillars of health: Mindset, nutrition, exercise, and sleep. We coach men and women to take their body and mind to the next level and achieve a sustainable lifestyle transformation.

The coaching process is completely online, tailored around your needs and schedule.

Before we start the coaching, a full consultation takes place to assess your goals, taking into account your current lifestyle and habits as well as mapping out possible red flags that might be restricting you to make a change.

We then carefully plan the necessary steps for you to achieve your goal. You will receive a personalized training program and you will have our support throughout the whole process.

After the training plan is ready and training begins, you will have access to your personalized training program via the bespoke RCA App wherever and whenever.

There are videos to guide you on how to perform each exercise safely and effectively.  If you ever have questions regarding the exercises, you can just drop us a message.

We are easily contactable via the App’s messenger but we also provide additional check-in calls to assess where we are at with the plan.

You can track your own progress, add measurements and pictures, schedule your training days, and much more.

What are the benefits of having an Online Coach?

Instead of having just a generic training app with generic training programs, you will get programs that are specifically tailored for you.

You will have our support throughout the whole process. You can contact us as soon as a questions comes in your mind.

We will motivate you, encourage you and listen to you if you have any struggles. The fact that there are real people on the other side, who will know you and your goals, is what makes the difference.

We don’t just train people. We educate them. We provide the tools to maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle covering all different aspects of training, nutrition, sleep and mindset which are all a huge part of the process.

RCA Online Coaching is a great option for those who can’t necessarily commit to specific training schedules, or, to those who already have the confidence to perform exercises independently. However, the videos via the training app are there to guide you through each exercise.

This programme is for men and women, who wants to change their body, mind and lifestyle.

What is the process to join our Coaching Program?


Book a consultation call where we will assess your current situation, goals, and commitment. At the end of the consultation, we go through the process with you, explaining how everything works and answer any questions you may have.

Planning and preparation

If we are a good fit for each other, you will then fill out our questionnaire to provide more information about you. After all the formalities, we will start to plan your tailored training program and set everything up for you.

Coaching begins

Once everything is set and planned, you will receive an invitation to our bespoke RCA App to set up your account and the coaching can begin! You will receive micro targets and instructions each week as we go along.

Take the first step!

Book a complimentary consultation call