Have you ever questioned if you actually need the pills?
Pills and medication only mask the symptoms, but don’t cure the underlying issue more often than not. In a modern world people rely on medication whenever they have some pain or discomfort rather than addressing what caused it in the first place. Paracetamol for...
Weekend discipline bit you in the arse again?
You know whats funny how many people do things on a weekend that don’t serve them and then they have the cheek to moan about how shit they feel the whole of the next week let alone the next day. And then they go do it all again! Look, before I start, I’ve been there....
5 Musts to know about how sleep is affecting your weight loss
Sleep is one of our 4 key pillars of health here at RCA Fitness and this article is going to help you understand just why we spend so much time focusing on sleep with our clients. So why is sleep so important when it comes to good health and losing unwanted pounds?...
The importance of staying hydrated for your fat loss goal
I see a lot of people start out on fat loss plans and they get told to drink x amount of water. Just like I tell my clients, however, unlike my clients the majority of people are not told why they need to be drinking this minimum amount water so it carries no real...
5 Reasons why lifting weights won’t make you big
Many people think lifting weights will make them big. Here are 5 reasons why this isn't exactly true. 1. As you’re trying to lose weight you won’t be eating anywhere near enough the amount of calories you need. You need to be in a surplus to get big. 2. You’ll...
Are the scales becoming your obsession?
If you spent as much time obsessing over: The nutritional value of the foods you consume and how much. Progressing in your workouts. How much sleep you’re getting. How your clothes fit and how you look in a mirror. How much your energy levels are. Rather than what the...
The truths about weight loss journeys
Your thoughts and expectations… vs… the truth. “I expect to see a weight to drop every week”… Some weeks you lose a large amount between 1-2kg, some weeks you don’t lose anything and maintain. Some weeks you might even gain a little bit 0.1-0.5kg. Yes, the main trend...
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